Mount Elgon National Park

7-day Mount Elgon hiking tour

7-day Mount Elgon hiking tour

Experience the ultimate adventure with Elegant Africa Travels™ on a 7-day Mount Elgon hiking tour. This guided trekking tour takes you through the stunning landscapes

Mount Elgon National Park: A Stunning Natural Wonder in Eastern Africa

Nestled on the border between Kenya and Uganda, Mount Elgon National Park is an impressive natural wonder that offers visitors a chance to explore breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. Elegant Africa Travels™ invites you to discover this hidden gem of Eastern Africa and experience an unforgettable adventure.

About Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National Park is named after Mount Elgon, an extinct volcano that is the park’s highest peak at 4,321 meters. The park covers an area of approximately 1,279 square kilometers, and it is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. The park’s landscape includes rugged peaks, cliffs, caves, and waterfalls, making it an ideal destination for hiking and nature enthusiasts.


The park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including elephants, buffalos, bushbucks, waterbucks, and primates such as baboons and black and white colobus monkeys. The park is also a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 300 bird species recorded, including the rare Jackson’s francolin, Hartlaub’s turaco, and the endangered Lammergeyer vulture.


Mount Elgon National Park offers visitors a wide range of activities, including:

Hiking and Trekking: The park offers several hiking trails that vary in length and difficulty, making it suitable for both novice and experienced hikers. The most popular hiking trail is the Sasa trail, which takes visitors to the summit of Mount Elgon.

Cultural Tours: Visitors can take a guided tour of the nearby community and learn about the cultural traditions of the Bagisu people, who live around the mountain.

Wildlife Viewing: Visitors can take a game drive or guided walk to see the diverse wildlife that calls the park home.

Waterfall Walks: The park is home to several stunning waterfalls, including the Sipi Falls, which offer visitors a chance to relax and take in the natural beauty of the park.


Elegant Africa Travels™ offers a range of accommodation options that cater to the needs of every traveler, including luxury lodges, campsites, and budget-friendly guesthouses. The lodges are strategically located in different parts of the park, offering visitors breathtaking views of the mountain and the surrounding landscape.

Getting There

The park is accessible by road from both Kenya and Uganda. The closest airport is Eldoret International Airport in Kenya, which is approximately 190 kilometers from the park. Visitors can also access the park via Entebbe International Airport in Uganda, which is approximately 235 kilometers from the park.

Mount Elgon National Park is a hidden gem of Eastern Africa that offers visitors an unforgettable adventure. Elegant Africa Travels™ invites you to experience the park’s stunning natural beauty, diverse wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. With a range of activities and accommodation options, there is something for everyone at Mount Elgon National Park. Contact Elegant Africa Travels™ today to book your next adventure to Mount Elgon National Park.